What inspired you to have your photos taken? Was it for a special occasion or just for fun? I’ve been inspired since I was younger at 16 I got scouted by a big New York agency, but my dad said no at the time I was having a basketball 20 years later the dream has not died. It definitely is fine but I’m trying to take it more seriously and really focus. I need to tweak my portfolio to work. My agency is asking for so I can get more paid jobs.
How would you describe your personality in a few words? In a few words, I’d say, I’m quirky, loving, and a go-getter
What's a fun fact about you that most people might not know? Most people don’t know that I can sail.
If you could trade lives with anyone for a day, who would it be and why? If I could trade lives, it would be with Kendall Jenner, because she’s the most down to earth Kardashian and I love how she’s killing it in the fashion world.
What type of photoshoot did you choose (e.g., personal portraits, family, professional)?Why? I’d choose professional photo shoots
Did you have a specific vision or mood in mind for your photos? How did you bring that to life? I love to talk and come up with ideas with the photographer and build a mood board. The creating process is so much fun to me.
What was your favorite part of the photoshoot experience? My favorite part of the photos, your experiences, the actual shooting, moving behind the camera, posing feeling the music, feeling sexy, getting in the mood becoming the character
Did you include any meaningful props, outfits, or locations in your shoot? What made them special to you? I love using angel wings. I just recently did a shoot with Angel wings and I’m obsessed with how they came out. I also had a shoot with angel wings with Chris photography shark, and the pictures are absolutely beautiful. It’s one of my favorite props to use.
What makes you feel confident in front of the camera? Any tips for others? Working out at the gym
What’s your go-to “power pose” or favorite way to strike a pose? Might go to power, poses the leg, wide stance open and the power stance with one arm up against the face and the other arm up in the post on the waste
If you could design your dream photoshoot, what would it look like? My dream photo she would be on the field in the countryside by the ocean
If your photoshoot had a theme song, what would it be? Dangerous woman by Ariana Grande
What’s your guilty pleasure (e.g., a favorite snack, TV show, or activity)? Mangoes Boba tea Swedish fish
If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, what would it be? Black
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? You look like a top model
If you could have dinner with three famous people (dead or alive), who would they be? Joe Rogan, funny, jelly, rolls, wife, and Whitney Cummings
Describe yourself as an animal—what would you be and why? I would be a wolf although I can travel with a pack I’d like to be alone I’m also a natural born leader since a kid it’s in my blood to read into find a way, no matter what
What do these photos mean to you? How do you plan to use or display them? The photos mean a lot to me it shows the journey so far this year of my photo shooting. I want to print them out and make a book with my favorite images. I like to use mixed tile display the photos on a canvas.
What’s your favorite photo from the session, and why? My favorite photo is the one with the white top and green skirt. Chris nailed the lighting and the angles out it was very natural. It came out perfect
How would you describe your experience working with Photography Shark Studios? I’ve had the best experience working with photography shark. I remember he was my second shoot and we just hit it off. I opened up to him how I wanted to get into modeling. I always told to hear I am at 3 601 year in and I’m grateful Chris took me under his wing. He showed me the ropes we would shoot and shoot and shoot some more. I got a lot of practice beautiful shots of lifelong friend. My experience with photography shark has been the best. He even sent all my photos into tons of magazines and I got on about over 10 different covers. He’s a man and he’s a top talent in the industry.
What’s one thing you’ll always remember about this photoshoot? I’ll always remember the photo shoot where we went wandering around the building it was so much fun we could not stop laughing. We got some great shots and they were very different.
Do you have any advice for others thinking about getting professional photos done? Yes, go to the gym. Take care of yourself eat healthy at all matters. Don’t drink alcohol don’t do drugs
Anything else you’d like to share about your session or your story? I’m looking forward to walking in Boston fashion week this year!
Where can people find or follow you (social media, business links, etc.)? @kris__swan